Leave Your Mark with DIY String Art Decor

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This DIY string art wall-hanging is a fun, inexpensive way to add personality to your walls, and requires just a few materials.

  • string
  • tape
  • hammer
  • printed design
  • linoleum nails
  • wooden board or plaque

We’ll show you how to make your own version of this classic craft in a few simple steps. Let’s get weaving!


  1. Print out your desired design to fit your wooden surface. Download our free “m” template by signing up above, and scale it to a size that works best for your surface.
  2. Arrange your design how you’d like it to appear on your wooden surface and secure it with tape.
  3. Nail along the outline of your design. Try to evenly space the nails as best you can. Add more nails in areas with round edges to help them appear more rounded.
  4. Once your design is fully outlined by nails, rip away the paper and clean up any leftover bits.
  5. Tie one end of your string onto a nail at one corner of your design.
  6. Begin wrapping your string around each nail. Weave around and in between the surrounding nails. Weave around nails above, below, and across to create interesting lines of string on your design. Be sure to weave around the outline of your design to increase legibility.
  7. Once you’ve gone through your entire design, tie a knot around your final nail, and tuck in the extra string underneath for a clean, polished look.