Here’s Why so Many Millennials are Into Astrology

young lady and astrological signs in the sky
Photo by Dzhulbee

Astrology has long been a topic that either interests people, or elicits scepticism. Either way, it's hard to deny that Astrology has become a very popular trend in today's culture, especially among Millennials and we've got reasons why this trend may be on the rise today!

It’s a self-identifying tool

Many of us struggle in trying to figure out who we are on a grander scale. We take online personality tests and we measure ourselves in comparison to others in order to identify ourselves separate from the rest. Astrology offers an in-depth interpretation of our lives that can serve as a way of identifying parts of us that we might not otherwise see on our own. Many who study their astrological birth charts (a map of the sky when you were born) can attest to the accuracy in which it describes one’s personality and their lives.

It’s becoming much easier to study

With the expansion of the internet in the last couple decades, astrology has really become more accessible to everyone with easy-to-use websites. These websites now compute all of the calculations needed in order to interpret the movement of the planets over one’s birth chart. These transits and progressions used to be done manually using books and math components making it a much more complicated process, but those days are gone now. You no longer have to have special connections or hard-to-find astrology books to dive into your personal horoscope!

It offers something to have faith in

Living in a day in age that feels more erratic than stable, it makes sense why we would look for something outside of this world to put our faith into; something that gives sensibility to the random and sometimes difficult experiences in our lives. When people turn to astrology they’re often looking for reassurance in why certain events are happening and whether times will turn for the better. For example, when someone breaks their cell phone during mercury retrograde, it’s easy for astrology-believers to chalk it up to erratic planetary energy as a way to feel better about it. It’s become a form of faith where many believe that everything happens for a reason or as a result of energetic influence.

It connects us socially

In today’s social media age, it’s becoming increasingly challenging to socialize outside of technology. While our tech devices are a blessing in allowing us to expand our connections, they’re also impeding on our ability to converse face to face and connect in a more emotional and real way. Astrology is making a comeback in everyday social conversations between friends and even strangers; comparing the qualities of their zodiac signs and finding comradery in experiences that correlate to the movement of the planets. Behaving excitedly after finding out your co-workers zodiac sign is no longer something of suspicious behaviour. Whether it offers a laugh or serious inquisition, people’s interest in astrology can spark very interesting conversations!

It’s a change from traditional belief systems

There was a point in time when church was a regular part of our societal structure, where today it’s not as vital in how we conduct our everyday living. The shift from institutional religion to independent spirituality most likely comes from younger generations rebelling against previous ones, but it’s also possible that many now feel liberated in finding faith outside of being told how to find it. The freedom to believe in alternative belief systems is a big push into why astrology is being looked at again and why it’s gaining much popularity in today’s culture.